The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty
(The First of the Classic Erotic Trilogy of Sleeping Beauty)
By: Anne Rice
Written As: A.N. Roquelaure
Publisher: Plume, 1983
Pages: 253, Paperback
Rating: 3.5
Book Cover Rating: 2 (simple is needed sometimes)
Genre: BDSM, Erotica
First Line: The prince had all his young life known the story of Sleeping Beauty, cursed to sleep for a hindered years, with her parents, The King and Queen, and all of the Court, after pricking her finger on a spindle.
*Warning. Warning. This book has very explicit sexual scences!*
This book is not for the faint of heart!
If you are not into or want to be into BDSM you will think this book is sick & replusive. Stop reading... I have book reviews for other genres.
Props for Anne Rice for breaking away from the vampires, in the most extreme way. Of course, because of her previous writings I was expecting something totally different from what I found on those pages. Once morehe'she has a page turner here. (I just finished watching Queen of the Damned... That will be my next Anne Rice read). She had said that erotica is not only for the males. Then she did a remake of Sleeping Beauty to prove her point.
Extremely Sexual and Erotic words are found in this remake fairy Tale, like it says right on the front cover. Sleeping Beauty, I was thinking a bit of erotica. I mean the story with Beauty basicially being raped (deflowered) then kissed to wake up. From there she becomes the Prince's sex slave. Her sexual subissive adventure continues from there. If you like to read your porn this is book for you. Pain and Passion! Passion and Pain! I was fanning myself chapter after chapter ;)
Beauty is the submissive in a dominant relationship. The extremes of the acts that Beauty must obey does make you shudder from within. Why would you want to ruin which beautiful skin? It is personally beyond me. However, I do understand that pain can being you onto a whole different sexual level.
This book has plenty of dominant commands. Phalluses, whips, nakedness, spankings & other acts of sexual experiences.
This book was not what I was expecting, not at all. The story was extreme and I never would of thought I would read something like this. I was intruiged (probably more then o should of been). I was on the edge throughout the book. Overall, I liked it enough to continue with the series. I have been unable to recommend this series. Many of my friends are not into bondage.
Rating: 3.5 Kisses

I will leave no quotes, most are rated R.

I read these books a long time ago. I think they were well written, even if someone was a bit on the conservative side.
I agree.. I don't normally read erotica but when I heard that Anne had previously written these books I just had to read them all!
They had me hooked. I'm not sure how but I know that it was really hard to stop reading the book. I had to keep reading!
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