Hello, I'm Elyssa. I am a enrolled member of the Oneida Indian Tribe. I am a single mother of three boys who can make my days unique.
My true love is traveling. I will go anywhere any how and enjoy every minute of it. Right now I'm working on getting myself back over to Thailand . The home in my heart. I miss it so.
I also enjoy good writing that can take me away into a wonderful place by the magic of words. Lately I've been diving into fantasy/sci-fi books. Erotica is a guilty pleasure. Shh... don't tell. LOL!
I am working on a biological science and history degree with a emphasis in war/torture. I'm also dabbling with a degree in Religious Studies.
I love the rain, good photography, & cheesecake. I also scrapbook and just started to knit. Craziness is apart of me and everyday I make my own path. I dare to go where most don't. Watch out I might bring you along for a few of those steps, hopefully upward.
I guess this is me in a small simple nutshell =)
I love the rain, good photography, & cheesecake. I also scrapbook and just started to knit. Craziness is apart of me and everyday I make my own path. I dare to go where most don't. Watch out I might bring you along for a few of those steps, hopefully upward.
I guess this is me in a small simple nutshell =)
Hi, I'm Leonor (or Leo, or Nor, or Stray, or whatever you want to call me) and I'm a student in Portugal.
I love to read, cook -and eat!- vegetarian food, run, play the violin, listen to music, be with my friends and a lot more. My interests change a lot because I get bored easily but these are pretty constant.
I'm not sure what I'd like to do when I graduate (once again, my interests keep changing). I've been told I'd be a good teacher, psychologist, scientist and doctor. Currently, I'd like to be a doctor, but who knows?
I have two other blogs besides this one:
This Blog is Still Untitled (everything blog)
Books are like People (book blog)
If you'd like to contact me, send me an email to leospublicemail@gmail.com
Olá o meu nome é Leonor (mas há quem me chame Leo, Nôr, Stray, ou qualquer outra coisa), e sou uma estudante emPortugal . Adoro ler, cozinhar -e comer!- comida vegetariana, correr, tocar o violino, estar com os meus amigos e muito mais. Os meus interesses estão constantemente a mudar porque me aborreço facilmente, mas estes são uma constante na minha vida.
Não tenho a certeza do que quero ser quando sair da escola (mais uma vez, devido à falta de estabilidade dos meus interesses), mas já me disseram que seria uma boa professora, psicóloga, cientista e médica. Neste momento estou mais inclinada para a Medicina, mas quem sabe?
I love to read, cook -and eat!- vegetarian food, run, play the violin, listen to music, be with my friends and a lot more. My interests change a lot because I get bored easily but these are pretty constant.
I'm not sure what I'd like to do when I graduate (once again, my interests keep changing). I've been told I'd be a good teacher, psychologist, scientist and doctor. Currently, I'd like to be a doctor, but who knows?
I have two other blogs besides this one:
This Blog is Still Untitled (everything blog)
Books are like People (book blog)
If you'd like to contact me, send me an email to leospublicemail@gmail.com
Olá o meu nome é Leonor (mas há quem me chame Leo, Nôr, Stray, ou qualquer outra coisa), e sou uma estudante em
Não tenho a certeza do que quero ser quando sair da escola (mais uma vez, devido à falta de estabilidade dos meus interesses), mas já me disseram que seria uma boa professora, psicóloga, cientista e médica. Neste momento estou mais inclinada para a Medicina, mas quem sabe?
I'm Zakiya. I live in TN with my parents and younger brother. I love to text, listen to music, and, as if it weren't obvious enough, read! I don't have a particular favorite genre, but if you were to ask me, I would have to say that I read a lot of Fantasy, so maybe it's that.
I want to go toUniversity of Alabama and University of Alabama Law School. I want to be a gymnast. My biggest goal/dream in life is to become a successful tax lawyer. My biggest achievement so far was when I, then a seventh grader, got 12 awards at my school's Awards Night. I want to be able to travel the world and visit France , Italy , Greece , China , India , Japan , England , Denmark , Spain , Holland , Australia , and a LOT of other places as well.
I want to go to
Hi, my name is Kate. I’m a 16 year old high school student that lives in Wisconsin . Unfortunately there’s not much to say about me. I love horses! They’re definitely my favorite animal. I ride at least once a week. My current riding style is dressage though I used to ride western and hunt seat aka jump. Horses are my life, other than that there’s reading which I of course love! I take at least one book with me everywhere I go. Just in case; you never know when you’ll need to pass some time with reading! I read all types of books but my true genre is YA fiction. I think I’ll still be reading it when I’m 89 ( lol). I also love to travel; unfortunately I haven’t been able to do it too much, but I hope to in the future.
All my hobbies involve books somehow, because I like to read, write down my reviews(and occasionally post them) and make endless lists about my wishlist and what I've read so far. I'm also interested in languages and try to stay fit in those I speak fluently - Korean, German and English. My favorite genre would be (to sum it up) YA, teen chick-lit and fantasy in particular.
I'm a night person; My brain starts to activate around 10 pm and I usually go to bed at no earlier than 2 am. I have to get up at 6:30 am for school, so I nap at home when I get back from school. I love the sun, the fresh air and oceans. While I love my family, I also like to be alone have my own space and time to think.
I have no idea what to make out of my life, but I'd like to study Law or Psychology.
Hi, ich bin Ginny. Ich bin 17 Jahre alt und komme aus Süd-Korea. Ich bin dort aufgewachsen und als ich elf war, sind meine Familie und ich nach Deutschland gezogen, wo ich jetzt lebe. Es is aber nicht für immer; meine Heimat ist und wird immer Süd-Korea bleiben.
All meine hobbys enthalten irgendwie Bücher, denn ich liebe es zu lesen, meine Rezension aufzuschreiben und endlose Listen über meine Wunschliste und was ich bisher gelesen hab, anzufertigen. Ich interessiere
Ich bin ein Nachtmensch. Mein Gehirn wird so um 22 Uhr aktiviert und normalerweise gehe ich nicht früher ins Bett als 2 Uhr morgens. Ich muss wegen der Schule um 6 Uhr 30 aufstehen, und mache deshalb Nickerchen zu Hause, wenn ich von der Schule zurückkomme. Ich liebe die Sonne, die frische Luft und das Meer. Ich liebe zwar meine Familie, aber ich mag es auch, ab und zu allein zu sein und über alles Mögliche nachzudenken.
Ich hab noch keine Ahnung, was ich aus meinem Leben machen soll, aber ich würde gerne Jura oder Psychologie studieren.

My name is Jen, I have an associates degree and hope to be able to finish my Bachelors degree some day. When I'm not taking care of my two girls, I am working for my self-owned business doing bookkeeping/accounting work for several different business around the Arizona valley. I love to read more than anything and I try to whenever I possibly can. I also love to write and hope to one day finish my book and have it published. In addition to For the Love of Reading blog, I also keep my own personal blog called In the Closet with a Bibliophile. If you would like to check it out, click here. I am very excited about this blog and all things book related! Glad I could be a part of it and I hope to see everyone's comments.