I Am Number Four (movie)
Directed By: D.J. Caruso
Release Date: February 18, 2011
Length: 114 minutes (1 hr, 54 min)
Date Watched: 28/5/2011
Review: I loved the book version of this film, and admit that I held high expectations of the movie. I'm proud to say that I wasn't disappointed!
I surprisingly remembered everything from the book. I think that it was great to see actual people acting everything. The movie had great action, and even though I'd read Pittacus Lore's hard work first, I still sometimes was lost at what was going to happen next!
Number Six in the movie was much more than I expected her to be. She was, to put it simply (please excuse my language here), a badass. I just loved the scene where . . . well, the part where you first see her in the movie. She brought a sudden flare to the great battle at the end of the movie.
Overall, this movie was absolutely, spectacularl marvelous. I am anxious for The Power of Six (the book) to be released in September. Hopefully they will maje a movie of it as well. I'm thinking they will, though, because I Am Number Four (film) left us with a sort-of giant cliffhanger :)
I didn't read the book but watched the movie. I too enjoyed it.
Hmm. I didn't really enjoy I Am Number Four as much as the movie. I just couldn't finish it. I loved the film, and I'm looking forward to the next one. Number Six is cool and she definitely kicked some alien butt.
New follower. Nice blog!:)
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April @Books4Juliet
I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but I've been kind of wanting to give the book a try. Excellent review, Z!
I really want to watch this, it looks so much better than the book! Power of Six is a lot better than I Am Number four and it has an awesome twist!
This isn't about your review, but about your save a tree feature. I sent an email a few weeks ago and haven't heard back so I thought I'd try leaving a comment :)
I'm interested in participating in it and was wondering if it was on hiatus or was something that wasn't going to be picked up again?
That was what my original email was about. If it's not something that will be continued I'd love to discuss one of my ideas with you, it's similar, but different.
If you could get back to me at bookishardour [at] gmail [dot] com that would be awesome.
Thank you!
Number Six was totally badass. She made the movie awesome :)
I didn't love the movie at all, but I loved the book and Number 6 was, for sure, awesome :)
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