Book: Stardust
Author: Neil Gaiman
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 333
Read: 4/05/2010
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy Fiction
Reviewed By: Elyssa
Neil Gaiman's words spins together a unique world that many people should not miss. There are pirates who fish for lightning bolts, unicorns, evil witches, helpful hairy men, trees that talk, and many other new world phenomenon that will keep you flipping pages. It is good to escape every once in a while. Neil's simple prose allows you to do just that very easily. Brilliant.
Dunstan's mischievous rump during market time results in a small bundle being pushed through the broken wall with a small name pinned to it.... Tristan Thorn.
Young Tristan is an odd lad who wants nothing more then to woo his true love Victoria Forester. In his quest for her lips he offers her everything under the sun. Still a proper lady she declines his offers. However, shortly he will be on a quest for a most unusual object to win his lady loves kiss and hopefully her hand in marriage.
Tristan says farewell to his family in Wall and starts on his journey in Faerie after his beloveds request, the fallen star.
Young feet and a love sick heart fuels Tristan's journey throughout Faerie laced with a bit of good luck. He finds his fallen star, except this star is not what he thought he would find. It was not a rock but yet a beautiful young lady. This odd duo disagreed with each other, the star did not want to go with Tristan to be an object for his love and of course that is all he wanted. Lets just say she did not make his life easy.
This book is not all mushy love quest but it has a very interesting sub plot that intertwines pretty nicely. The sons of Lord Stormhold were sent out on a quest to retrieve a family amulet. Several of the sons are already dead but they are hanging around as ghosts. The sons that are alive are trying to kill each other off in attempt to grab ahold of the family throne.
From start to finish Tristan's quest is anything but bland.
This book has also been turned into a fantastic movie, which doesn't happen often. I did watch the movie a very long time ago. I was sure that I didn't remember most of the movie except for Michelle Pheifer looking really grotesque. But as I read the book the images of the movie came flooding into my head. Most often that is exactly why a reader likes to read the book before watching the movie. But I have to say the movie images did not hinder this book in anyway. I might just have to go and burrow the movie again.
Rating: 4 Kisses
"I would not wish to marry someone who had already been married. It would be,' she opined, 'like having someone else break in one's own pony."
"The manly heroes of the penny dreadfuls and shilling novels never had these problems getting kissed."
"Every lover is, in his heart, a madman, and, in his head, a minstrel."

Could I just say that I did indeed love this movie. I debated highly over reading the novel. I love, love Neil Gaiman! His book, The Graveyard Book was an amazing piece of fiction! Definitely worth the award it received!
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