Song of the Sparrow
By Lisa Ann Sandell
By Lisa Ann Sandell
Publisher: Scholastic Press, 2007
383 pages
Read: 6/11/2010
Genres: Historical Fiction, Young Adult, Romance, Coming of Age
First Line of Book: "Motherless. Sisterless. I am both."
Review: Song of the Sparrow was again a great reread for me, being that I've read it twice before. The story's main character and perspective, Elaine of Ascolat, is very self-conscious.She and her family live with anf follow Arthur, during times of war with the Saxons, fighting to bring peace to Britain. They live in army camps and move around, but are stationed in only one during this story. Elaine is not your average girl; she's lost her mother, and is raised around and by men, being as wild as she wants. Then comes the hard turner of the book: Her family, all the men she has come to love and care for, must put themselves on the offensive and strike a final war. And not only that, but Elaine is being hated by an unexpected visitor. She feels that she must follow her men into war, as she as always secretly done, only to have the terrible occur. However, in the end, she is happy, and feels she has found love. Even her hateful guest ends up loving and caring for her as a great friend.
I wish that there were a sequel to the Sparrow, but as there isn't, I will just have to live with the wonderful ending to the book.
Rating: I have read Song of the Sparrow twice before, and I finally have the great pleasure of rating it
Quotes from the Book:
"Tirry once told me he would follow Arthur blindfolded and unarmed into a battle. I told him he'd better not try it."
"My breath catches. Did he just say that? That I am beautiful? But a girl, he said. . . . He does not see me as a woman. Still, beautiful."
"It is easy to playact with a sword, Tirry once told me, but the actual killing comes much easier."
"My mother's dresses and linens, they will become mine when I marry--though, I can't help but wonder if I marry--for who would want to marry a girl whose head is filled with man-thoughts?"

i want to read it!!!great review!!
I had never heard of this book til this review, and already my interest is terribly peaked! I am heading over to my goodreads to add it to my TBR list. *ponders* I wonder if the library has it. Hmmmm....
Excellent work Z. And such a beautiful cover! I'm a succor for the green stuff in her hair (its name has drawn a blank with me).
LOL! That's great Jen! Not a lot of people have heard of it. I didn't even know about til one of our school book fair's two years ago. Thanks Leo! Glad you 2 liked it; hope you get to read it soon!
Also by LAS: The Weight of the Sky. Have never read it though :)
Ivy I think. *Mulls it over* Yup, I think Ivy.
I'm in agreement with everyone else. Wonderful review Z. *Pats Z on the back*
Thank you, it is definitely ivy. My mind blanked!
Well now I've learned that it's ivy. Lol; I thought it was just tree leaves...
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