By Charlaine Harris
Publisher: the Penguin Group, 2001
312 pages, hardcover (Library)
Date Finished: 17/3/2011
Genres: Mature Teen, Romance, Fantasy, Action, Mystery
Sookie Stackhouse is just a small-time cocktail waitress in small-town Louisiana. Until the vampire of her dreams walks into her life--and one of her coworkers checks out...Maybe having a vampire for a boyfriend isn't such a bright idea.
~from goodreads.com~
~First Line: "I'd been waiting for the vampire for years when he walked into the bar."
~Last Line: "Back to normal."
Review: I have been wanting to read this series for quite a while, and I finally got the opportunity. One of my friends had checked it out of the library, and, after she finished it, she kindly agreed to let me borrow it (and now I have to turn it in for her because we're on Spring Break and it's due Thurs D: ).
Dead Until Dark really was amazing. The main character, Sookie Stackhouse, has been wanting to meet a vampire for years, and now she has the chance. Insert Bill Compton, your new-to-town vampire -- the only vamp in Bon Temps, Louisiana. He comes at a pretty bad time, though, because soon after his arrival, murders are popular, something that's just notheard of in Bon Temps. Sookie's starting to fall for him, but can he be trusted?
This book had a little action, but they don't really wander, so I wouldn't consider it adventure-y. There was romance, obviously, and it was mysterious to me since the town was tryting to figure out who the murderer was.
The characters were realluy unique in this book. Sookie didn't think the same way everyone usually does, which was pretty darn likable. Bill wasn't necessarily your average vamp, but he wasn't a predictable Edward Cullen either, so his charrie wasn't too cliche. The restaurant that Sookie works at, Merlotte's, is owned by her good friend Sam. Sam's character was one that I liked; he cared about Sookie a lot, and even though he waited until Bill got there to make a move, I loved his protective air of Sookie. Overall, all the characters brought something new and/or wonderful to the table of modern-day literature :).
This novel was super-interesting. I hope that I have the chance to read the rest of the series sometime soon! You really should try the series out, especially if you watch the TV show True Blood!

Quotes from the Book:
"But rural northern Louisiana wasn't too tempting to vampires, apparently; on the other hand, New Orleans was a real center for them -- the whole Anne Rice thing, right?"
"For a second I felt ashamed at calling Bill to rescue me: I should have handled the situation myself. Then I thought, Why? When you know a practically invincible being who professes to adore you, someone so hard to kill it's next to impossible, someone preternaturally strong, that's who you're gonna call."
" 'So you could be a bird?'
'Yeah, but flying is hard. I'm always scared I'm going to get fried on a power line, or fly into a window.' "
This was a good one! Just wait until her and Eric start getting it on! Yum!
I never really liked this series...it seemed too slow for me...new follower cos I like the books you review.
I read the first book in this series and it was also just ok for me. Not great and not the worst read that I have picked up. Needless to say, I have not moved on with it. But I do have the rest of the book. Hmm... what a quandary.
Mad Scientist
I'm totally with you Bookish Brunette! Books 1-3 were just okay. Although, about halfway through book three I really really started to like the series. After that, I fell in love, so now I'm addicted. And Eric, YUM! I do so love his character. *prr*
In the Closet With a Bibliophile
For The L♥ve of Reading
Thanks for this review, l need to start this!!
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