Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure By Allan Richard Shickman
Publisher: Earthshaker Books, 2010
Pages: 148
Genres: Action, Adventure, Coming of Age, Historical Fiction, Young Adult
Reviewed by Kate
Thanks so much to Bonnie Lenz and Mr. Shickman for this great book!
Zan-Gah, seeking his lost twin brother in a savage prehistoric world, encounters adventure, suffering, conflict, captivity, and final victory. In three years hero passes from an uncertain boyhood to a tried and proven manhood and a position of leadership among his people. Themes include survival, brotherhood, cultures, gender roles, psychological trauma, and nature's wonders and terrors. This is the electronic version of Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure, which has been awarded Mom's Choice Gold Medal for Series, the Eric Hoffer Notable Book Award, and was a finalist for ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year.
As you can see this book got a lot of awards. And while I could not see it at first I know why now. I thought it was going to be a decent book but I did not expect to like it enough to keep reading and not being able to put it down, and that, for me, means it is a good book. This book was a lot different than I expected but Shickman really painted the characters and the world that Zan lives in so well that it was easy to get drawn into the book for that reason alone, then add the suspense and action and you have a great book! The story was so full of action and suspense that you were always wondering what Zan would face next in his journey. I cannot wait to read more from Zan and his brother Dael, especially Dael, I'm currently reading his story, expect a review soon! Now, if you have a younger reader, especially a boy, you need to get them this book, even if they don't like reading I bet they love this book. Anyone that is any age can find something in the book to enjoy but I think that this book can get younger kids reading. I think it would be great for schools to have, though their is a little violence. But it depicts the pre-historic world so good I would be great to read to learn about the time and on top of that you have a good story to read.
4 Kisses!

Glad you got a chance to read this. I enjoyed the second one more. :)
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