
5 Kisses: It was so amazing I kissed and licked every inch of the book
4.5 Kisses: It was so extremely good I kissed it everywhere and licked the spine
4 Kisses: It was so excellent I kissed the book all over but couldn’t give a lick
3.5 Kisses: It was good enough that I gave kisses to the front cover
3 Kisses: It was only good enough for several kisses on the front cover’s corner
2.5 Kisses: It was better than okay so I blew it a couple and a half kisses
2 Kisses: It was only okay so I thought about kissing it a couple of times
1.5 Kisses: Didn’t hate it, but didn’t like it so I’m at the store buying lip chap for some better books
1 Kiss: It was so horrible that I couldn’t even think of giving one little kiss
Thanks for jumping over to this side of the web... Great to have you here. I have not read this one. But I did get my hands on Graceling. Which was an ok read for me. This one might be better!
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