Author: Ellen Hopkins
Publisher: Simon Pulse, 2007
Page total: 666 pages
Date read: January 4th, 2011
Genre(s): Young Adult; Realistic-Fiction; Serious Issues
Synopsis: Tony’s painful childhood memories can be quelled only through pills. Vanessa has a secret that keeps her coming back to the blade. And Conner seems to have the perfect life on the outside, but his inward battle with his parents, his peers, and himself give him one last choice - to pull the trigger.
These are three lives that would have been cut short if not for the hasty intervention by loved ones. Or fate. Now they are given a second chance at a better life - but only if they help one another, and if they find the strength to let go of their inner demons. For good. (from the back of the book)
My review: (The whole book is written in verse, so my review is, too.)
is an ugly word
not just because of the act itself
but what happens
if you fail
Didn't cut deep enough,
didn't take enough pills,
didn't aim close enough to heart.
Three people,
lost, scared, denied
from what they needed most.
I used to think
poetry is confusing
It still is,
at least for me
a book, written in verse,
is just
Beautiful, heart-wrenching, touching.
It aches my heart, my soul.
Mostly because
I have a deep connection to characters,
created by Hopkins' words,
flowing through my head,
anchoring there.
Didn’t know
one could be
so moved by words,
unable to do anything
but thinking about them.
It's hauntingly beautiful.

P.S.: The companion novel to Impulse, Perfect, seen through Conner's twin Cara's eyes, comes out this year.
LOve the review!! And that it was written in verse!! Way to go gin
Hey, thanks Leo! *grins*
I wanted to try something creative :p And Hopkins rocks! I'm gonna read all published books by her, ignoring my rule to buy only paperbacks (because of my *cough* already-suffering purse *cough*). It's the best book I have read in months. This, and maybe Life As We Knew It. My review for that will be in a week.
hmm sounds interesting.
Wait, I just checked the blurb and it sounds awesome, I really can't wait for your review.
I'm really curious about Hopkins, everybody seems to love her books
Because she's a GREAT author!!
You can cheat and read my review on Life As We Knew It, I've already posted it as scheduled.
I had already noticed it but i decided to wait... but since i have your permission (mwahaha)
You're evil, Leo... *shakes head but is grinning mischievously*
'course I am *rubs hands on each other*
your review is great though
Wow that was a great review and in poem forum awesome-ness. This sounds like a good book.
@Leo: lol!!! You crack me up!!
@AngelicNytmare: Thank you! The words just came to me. Hopkins has this affect. Hope you pick up the book some time and enjoy!
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