Author: Lori Brighton
Published: September 11, 2010
Read: October 25, 2010
Synopsis: When Ashley Hunter inherits the Inn where her father mysteriously vanished years ago, she jumps at the chance to finally uncover the truth about his disappearance. But soon after taking ownership of the decrepit building, Ashley realizes she’s in for far more than she bargained. Not only has she inherited answers to many sought-after questions, she’s also inherited spirits, demons and even fallen angels! Then Cristian arrives, a gorgeous man who insists he merely needs a room to rent. She believes him, until one by one her ghosts start disappearing...
As a fallen angel destined for a life of servitude, Cristian Lucius is relegated to protecting earth from unwanted spirits. But he can’t accomplish this daunting task alone. He requires assistance from the very woman who frustrates him as much as she intrigues him. Cristian is determined to ignore his intense attraction for Ashley, and focus on his mission. If they don’t work together, they won’t have a chance in hell of defeating the demon threatening their lives. The problem is getting Ashley to trust him. No easy task, considering Cristian is the very man responsible for her father’s disappearance.(From Goodreads.com)
(WARNING NOTE: This book is not suitable for younger readers due to scenes of sensuality)
Where to start….where to start….
I feel like I haven’t reviewed a book in forever, but really it’s only been like a week. I think this trip out of the country is starting to affect my brain. That’s not a good sign. Still, I think I have an excellent review in me for an excellent book.
The Ghost Hunter by Lori Brighton was a fabulous read. Or maybe I should say it was a “fanfreakingtastic” read to quote our main character Ashley. I would say that was her signature phrase and I seriously giggled every time she said it. Reminded me of some dialogue I like to carry on with my nieces involving the word burritoful (don’t think you can steal it either *wink*).
This is the first book I’ve read by Brighton, and I was quite glad it came my way. Especially with such yummy male characters. You all know my fondness for yumminess, especially in the form of muscly men.
Which brings me to my character section of the review:
First off we have our main character Ashley who is stubborn beyond any possible reason, but she also sees ghosts. I kind of felt bad for her because she seems to think she has serious issues because of it. I don’t know, I guess I’d like to think that if I grew up seeing ghosts my parentals would have been supportive instead of telling me I was totally nuts. No….I’m dead serious….(pun intended). But, not our Ashley. She won’t fess up to it to anybody for the longest time. But still, she seems strong and not super whiny which is always nice in a female character.
Then we have the ghosts. Oh yes, the ghosts. I actually really liked them. I wish there would have been more reference to them with dialogue including them in the book, they were that fun. Especially a very sexy ghost by the name of Devon that I wouldn’t mind if he haunted me a bit! *prrrrrr*
Lastly we have our dearest wickedly sexy man…..Christian. Man, there is a body I would like to run my hands all over (and my tongue for that matter). Can we say sex on a stick!! Christian was our main male character who right off the bat you know is supernatural and definitely up to no good. And….he possibly has no heart. Well, not literally, he just isn’t really the feeling type. Or is he? *dun dun dun dun: cue evil music* He was such a confusing character that I couldn’t put the book down because I wanted to see what he would do. Crafty fellow that one!
Not only were the characters enjoyable, so was the plot. It was intense and quite surprising. I never new quite what would happened next which is something that I enjoy in books. Predictable is too easy, I like a book to make me think.
So, I guess in conclusion, with a very fascinating and suspenseful plot, lovely characters, crazy possessed basements, sexy ghosts, freaking awesome swords and a super sweet back tattoo, you’ll want to give this book a read of your own.
At the end of the stairway railing, a carved woman gave her a saucy smile while baring her wooden knockers for all to see. Wonderful, she couldn’t wait to wake up to that every morning.
”Be careful.” He grinned, showing perfectly white teeth. Slowly he started to disappear like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. “You never know what you’ll find hidden in the depths of this house.”
”How much are you actually paying for her sage wisdom?”Christian didn’t bother to answer, considering he wasn’t paying Rose a damn thing.
“More than one,” Rose added. With her eyes closed, she held out her hands and moved her arms through the air like a blind person. Christian rolled his eyes and leaned against the counter. The old witch was overdoing it a bit. “They were har, they were. In this verra spoot.”
Ashley seemed to be buying the show. Her face grew an unhealthy pale. Christian stepped closer, preparing to catch her if she fainted, but she didn’t even seem to notice his nearness. That’s gratitude for you.
“Aye, been mooch activity ‘ere.” Rose turned toward Ashley, her eyes narrowed.
*Disclaimer: this book was provided to me courtesy of the author for my honest review.
Great review, I've had this book on my TBR list for a while but the review was really good and makes me want to read it soon!
Yes, great review. I linked up your review onto my What's Your Status Me Me. I'm currently reading this one :)
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