The Insiders by J. Minter
Published by: Bloomsbury
Pages: 280
Generes: Chick Lit and Ya
Reveiwed by: Kate
A captivating, scandalous look into the privileged and turbulent world of five fabulous guys living in Manhattan's trendiest neighborhoods. Jonathan is the leader of the pack-but what will happen if the pack falls apart? Arno's way with the girls makes you wonder, can boys be sluts? David is known as the nice guy, but will he stay that way? Mickey is always in trouble, and Patch is just MIA. They've got rich parents, go to top schools, and have hip friends. With so many parties to go to, colleges to impress, girls to win over, and so much money to spend, who can keep track of it all? And can true friendship really shine through in the end? J. Minter's keen eye for urban teens, their dialogue, and the details of New York City's high life make this a guilty pleasure for readers of the Gossip Girl series and other glitterati novels.
This book has been described as the male version of Gossip Girl, now I haven't read those books but I have seen the show and I think that this book is definitley more testoserone version of GG. Now that said I'm don't really like to read these kind of books. The ones where you have all these really rich kids who go partying, clubing, drinking, doing drugs, and having sex with about whover they want and having absolutly no consequences. Yeah those books kind of rub me the wrong way. So I naturally kind of already had an opinion of what I would think about this book. And guess what? I was wrong. Not about all the things mentioned above and the no consequences stuff but the fact that I thought that I wouldn't enjoy it. The truth is, even though these guys are exactly as mentioned above there was some things I liked about a few if them. There were also things I didn't like of course but overall I did enjoy this book. Now I'm not running to the bookstore for the next book in the series but it was a good overall read. I know that as a reviewer you should be able to tell why you did or why you did not like a book but for some reason I just can't put my finger on why I liked it. Maybe it was the fact that the main characters are guys? I'm not really sure about this one. I just know that yes, I did like it and will read the next book in the series.
3.5 Kisses

Ahhh.... Good to know. I was wondering if I should get those or not. Thanks for the review, Kate!
omg this book was the best
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