The Angel Experiment (The Fugitives, #1; Maximum Ride, #1)
By James Patterson
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company, 2005
422 pages
Read: 6/19/2010
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult, Science Fiction, Adventure, Action, Coming of Age
First Line of Book: "Congratulations. The fact that you're reading this means you've taken one giant step closer to surviving till your next birthday."
Review: The Angel Experiment was a reread for me, as I'd only read it a month before. This series debut was very intriguing. The characters were different--besides the fact that they were teenage mutants--and we got to see from the whole flock's perspective. It was a little choppy, though, as the book's chapters are so short and didn't include a lot of information.
The book starts off sort of fast-paced: Max explains everything as she goes along with the story, so you have to keep up with everything or you get lost in the midst of action. The flock's youngest member has been kidnapped by Erasers--half men, half wolves; also mutants--and taken somewhere that none of them ever wished to see again. Now, Max and her family set out to rescue their beloved sibling, getting beat up, captured, and chased by evil, infamous Erasers along the way. Max is having head troubles, and starts thinking she's going to be the first to die. And Angel discovers some mysterious powers of her own. But, in the end, all is well with the flock, and they set out to find the one thing they all have wondered about--their parents.
This book was absolutely amazing. Let's compare the wonderful book hypothetically: I'm on the road, looking for a rest stop. These motel owners get me interested in their place. I stop and stay the night. Automatically, they have me loving the place, with all their hospitality and politeness, giving me everything I need and want without thinking twice about it. Defined, fascinating, and a great price.
Rating: I rate The Angel Experiment (aka, the motel)

Quotes from the Book:
"He'd been the Gasman ever since he was a baby. What can I say? The child has something funky with his digestive system."
"Fang is not the huggiest person in the world--he turns into an unbending statue, and you just have to do the best you can."
"In the dictionary, next to the word stress, there is a picture of a midsize mutant stuck inside a dog crate, wondering if her destiny is to be killed or to save the world. Okay, not really. But there should be."
"I clamped my lips together so I wouldn't answer it. When I wanted information, it was silent; when I didn't want to hear from it, it got chatty. It was almost as irritating as Fang."
" 'We're in the Institute,' I said.
'Uhm, is that a good thing?' asked Gazzy.
'Holy [insert a swear word of your choice here],' Fang said, stunned.
'No kidding,' I said."
" 'You really hurt me. I wouldn't hurt you. Not like this.' " Ari

I actually just picked my copy of this up from the library today. My nieces used to be obsessed with this book and I never wanted to read it because it sounded....odd, but I've grown into the complete oddity of paranormal. We shall see how it goes. :D Keep you posted!
Great Job Z.
Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! :)
I really liked the review Z! I wasn't going to read this book before but I will be reading it now.
I hope you will! Thanks Kate :)
This book was great! I really enjoy the way Patterson's brain works. The chapters in this book were a bit choppy but they worked. The whole book was odd and great.
Z we should read the next book after Betrayed :) & City of Ashes :)
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